Monitoring a Home Heating system
Posted on 8th Feb 2019
Doing some analysis of my hydronics heating system.
Posted on 8th Feb 2019
Doing some analysis of my hydronics heating system.
Posted on 17th Jan 2019
Should have published some of this data long ago. But better late than never. I ran some very simple integer and floating point benchmarks on all the parts I could find that I have BASIC running on. Yes, we just got a BASIC running on the Arduino Zero - SAMD21, and we are looking for beta testers, and gauging interest in adding this. We intend it to be a free download.
Posted on 12th Jan 2019
One of our super users, posed a question. He needed multi-tasking, and asked if it was possible. My first reaction was NO. So was my second reaction. I suggested using callbacks from interrupts, or using multiple processors or the LPC54102 dual CPU.
Posted on 4th Jan 2019
After a couple days, and learning curve on the ESP8266, the ARMstamp driven web enabled clock is up and in use!
Posted on 29th Dec 2018
OK digital clocks are no big deal, you can pick them up for cheap on Amazon, and that's what I did. So why would I do that? I wanted to build a clock that would read the time from the web so that I would never have to set it.
Posted on 18th Jun 2018
Showing my age here, as that was the slogan for Esso back in the 60s, but we have the SDcard interface on the LPC54005.