Tod's digging into Arduino TFT displays
Posted on
1st Jun 2020
Goal: Getting Multiple Coridium’s ARMbasic SBCs to drive common COTS TFT Touchscreen Displays
Being able to add HMI to an ARMbasic project is something that I have long wanted.
After recently returning home from a very-much-extended professional TDY, I have dusted off some goodies that I have been anxious to get back to since I had ‘deployed’ last summer.
BASIC for STM32G431
Posted on
29th May 2020
We have an initial BASIC running on the STM32G431. This will be available to commercial customers, and customization can be done as well. Contact sales.
Covid-19 and us
Posted on
25th Mar 2020
Stay well out there, and get use to social isolation. Luckily Coridium is a bunch of isolated consultants, and suppliers we deal with mostly by email and shipping. So far no supply chain problems and we continue to monitor the situation.
We continue to ship product, and while we are not an essen...
Sometimes I should listen to my own advice
Posted on
19th Feb 2020
I've been working on the software for the Web connected thermostat. But I ran into a gotcha, that stumped me for a couple days. I had the button debounce working fine until...
BASIC for Nucleo STM32F411
Posted on
12th Feb 2020
We've put together an evaluation release of our ARM BASIC compiler for the Nucleo PCB with the STM32F411. This is a free download for personal, educational, and commercial evaluation.
Assembling the web connected thermostat
Posted on
9th Feb 2020
Putting the pieces together, and squeezing into the matching enclosure (matching the rest of the house that is).