The syntax of this BASIC is much like the original Microsoft BASIC, QBASIC or early versions of Visual BASIC. As part of the compile process a modified version of the C pre-processor is called that allows #include, #define, #ifdef ... #endif, #if ... #endif, #error and #warn
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- DIM declares a variable or array
- AS INTEGER declares an integer variable
- AS SINGLE declares a floating point variable
- AS STRING declares a string
- AS BYTE declares an array of bytes
- PARAMARRAY declares a variable number of arguments
- CONST declares an integer, single, string or array constant
- SUB declares a subroutine
- FUNCTION declares a function that returns a value
- BYREF passes the reference to a variable in FUNCTION / SUB
- BYVAL passed the value of a variable (assumed)
- INTERRUPT SUB declares an interrupt subroutine
- ' a comment comments
Control Flow
- DO.. UNTIL repeats a block of statement
- FOR.. NEXT iterates a block of statemets
- IF..THEN.. ELSE..ENDIF conditional execution
- SELECT..CASE conditional execution
- WHILE.. LOOP repeats a block of statements
- GOTO transfers control
- GOSUB call subroutine or function (not required)
- RETURN return from subroutine or function
- MAIN start of a program
- EXIT terminates a block of statements
- STOP enters a debug monitor
Hardware function
- AD returns analog value on specific pins (10 bit)
- BAUD sets the baud rate on the serial channel
- RXD receive a character on the serial channel
- TXD send a character to the serial channel
- *(expression) access hardware registers (like PEEK or POKE)
- DIR controls direction of a pin
- HIGH sets a pin to output and high
- IN reads digital value of a pin
- INPUT sets a pin as an input
- IO controls or reads a pin
- LOW sets a pin as output and low
- OUT sets state of an output pin
- OUTPUT sets a pin to be an output
- INTERRUPT enable or disable interrupts
- TIMER returns free running counter incrementing each microsecond
- WAIT waits a number of milliseconds
- WAITMICRO waits a number of microseconds
- Strings
- LEN returns the number of bytes in a string
- LEFT returns a number of characters on the left of a string
- RIGHT returns a number of characters on the right of a string
- STRCHR finds first instance of a character in a string
- STRCOMP compares two strings
- CHR converts an ASCII character to a number
- HEX returns hex value of a string
- VAL converts a string to a decimal number
Console functions
- DEBUGIN accepts input from console
- PRINT prints to the console
- PRINTF formatted print (C conventions)
- - subtraction
- MOD modulus arithmetic
- * multiply
- / divide
- - negate
- & string concatenation
- IF ternary operation
- NOT binary negate
- AND binary or conditional and
- OR binary or conditional or
- XOR binary or conditional exclusive or
- >> shift right
- << shift left
- = equality
- <> not equals
- < less than
- <= less than or equal to
- > greater than
- >= greater than or equal to