Our Kickstarter project to bring our BASIC to the Arduino Zero family of boards met its goal. Thank you all. This is a free download for evaluation, personal or educational use. Commercial licenses to include our firmware in you product start at $500.
Read more to install BASIC for Arduino Zeros.
Here are the steps to load BASIC onto a Zero.
- First download and install our BASICtools IDE
- Next you need a tool to load binaries onto your Zero, We use the BOSSA app. Download and install that.
- Download the SAMD21G BASIC firmware binary, and save that.
- Connect your Zero board to USB, and get it into download mode, by pushing the RESET button twice.
- Run the BOSSA app
- It should show you a serial port and select that.
- Select the SAMD21G binary file you downloaded above.
- Make sure you set the Flash offset to 0x2000
- Push the Write button.
- BASIC firmware is now installed, open BASICtools (there should be a shortcut on the desktop)
An overview of the features of our compiled BASIC
There is detailed documentation on the BASIC in the Help menu.
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