I had a customer order some ARMstamps, and was trying to get them to run on a Win XP machine. As those devices were designed about 10 years after support for XP ended, I wasn't sure whether NXP ever tested that driver for XP. Also I had long since cleaned up by tossing old Win XP machines, or converting them to Linux.
Well from a friend who is more of a pack rat than I am (apparently), I borrowed a Fujitsu laptop originally running Win98 that was upgraded to Win XP SP3.
There was an NXP lpc_driver_installer utility, that started up, but failed to install drivers for me (even ignoring Windows driver signing).
But I was able to use the Windows driver installer to install drivers from the directory zipped up here
With that BASICtools32 recognized the USB VCOM device and load a simple program. BASICtools32 is the Tcl version "freewrap" for 32 bit machines.
... but please don't ask about WIn98 or before.