Forum Topics
Here are some of the topics covered in the FORUM
- A simple logic probe
- A working 1-wire driver and sample!
- A/D conversions
- Accessing bit fields in floating point values
- accessing HTTP server from ARMweb
- accurate timing
- AD and HWPWM
- AD and QEI
- AD converters
- AD input impedance
- AD speeds
- AD values
- AD9834 SPI interface
- ADC Issues
- ADC0838 converter
- Add External Xtal to SuperPro Board.
- Addafruit Alphanumeric Display
- Addressing elements of a string
- AJAX and ARMweb
- allowed operations inside interrupts in BASIC
- Application code examples
- archpro stop action
- ArchProweb.bin comm error
- Arduino footprint
- Arduino High power motor control
- Arduino Shields
- Arduino Sketch support
- ARM stamp - LPC11U37 Pinout
- ARM Stamp IO Spreadsheet and Notes
- ARM Stamp IO Test Program
- ArmBasic VAL function
- ArmBASIC - contact debouncing
- ARMBasic added function
- ARMbasic Compiler Problem
- ARMite I/O not working after upgrade
- ARMmites in a microprocessor course
- ARMstamp 11U37 hard fault
- ARMstamp 11U37 Systick control
- ARMStamp RXD issue
- ARMstamp serial nomenclature idiosyncracies
- ARMweb
- ARMweb and BASIC pre-processor
- ARMweb and EINT1
- ARMweb and pre processor
- ARMweb and ULN2803
- ARMweb BASIC compile time
- ARMweb button detection
- ARMweb C support
- ARMweb clock out
- ARMweb D/A
- ARMweb data collection
- ARMweb DHCP errors
- ARMweb dongle
- ARMweb EINT pins
- ARMweb email
- ARMweb email port use
- ARMWeb Email Services
- ARMweb feature request
- ARMweb firmware
- ARMweb firmware being overwritten
- ARMweb HTTP port
- ARMweb include
- ARMweb IP address
- ARMweb power supply
- ARMweb print
- ARMweb project in C
- ARMweb serving other files types
- ARMweb settings
- ARMweb timing
- ARMweb UDP errors
- ARMweb UDP fails on no Mac address
- ARMweb update
- ARMweb variable access
- ARMweb webpage with synch of RTC and displaying print page
- array allocation
- Arrays of strings
- Async parameters
- automatic variable declaration in BASIC
- automotive sensors
- Back to Basics
- BaiscChip hangs in SEROUT or bbTXD
- Basic -DEMO Mode - call PEEK message
- Basic Chip AD as outputs
- BASIC compiler bug
- BASIC compiler for ARM
- BASIC compiler update
- BASIC examples
- BASIC firmware for LPC2138
- BASIC for Arduino ARM
- BASIC for Pokitto
- BASIC for Teensy 3.0/3.1
- BASIC for the micro:bit
- BASIC inline ASM / assembler
- BASIC interrupt priorities
- BASIC run command
- BASIC vs C
- basic vs C memory availability
- BASICchip 20 pin DIP pinout?
- BasicChip bit-bang serial
- BASICchip IO ports
- BASICchip pullup and pulldown resistors
- BasicTools - variables address tool
- BASICtools and USB connect/disconnect
- BASICtools and Win 8
- BASICtools general questions
- BASICtools hang
- BASICtools idea.
- Batch programming
- batteries keyboards and assembly language
- battery connections for RTC
- battery operation
- BAUD() error message
- Big Current Source
- Bit banged vs UART
- bit operations
- BLINKY update for LPC812
- Blockly
- Board failures
- Bot board II
- Box for ARMmite
- BT - Function calling
- BT 'variables window"
- BT Requests
- BT-mbed release
- BT.mbed aftermath
- BT/tclterm function
- byref and byval
- BYREF arrays
- C compiler optimizations
- C Compiler Tracking Of Brackets
- C eh_frame
- C or BASIC
- C support for LPC1114
- C Tools For SuperPro
- C version of BASICchip
- C with IAP calls
- C++ examples
- Camera interfaces
- CAN bus
- Can I use TXD3 for GPIO
- CanBus MCP2515 SPI
- Capture Error
- Ceramic resonator
- CGI services
- CGIIN inside BASIC in HTML
- CH340 TTL to Serial for programming
- Changing parameters from a PC
- Changing the baud rate on LPC54102
- Cheap Chinese serial USB dongles
- cheap RS-232 conversion
- Christmas
- Clear CGIIN on ARMweb
- CLKOUT sourcing
- Clock sources
- CMPS03 interface
- Code protection
- Code protection for BASIC programs
- Code protection in BASIC
- Code size
- Coming soon an LPC11U37 board
- Compass Demo
- Compiler updates
- Compiling from command line
- component questions
- compound operator
- Computing CRC-CCITT (0xFFFF)
- ConBasic- Hello World
- Conflicts of IOs and serial output
- consecutive port pins
- CONST errors
- Constant strings
- contiguous bits on a port
- Control from a PC
- control from an iPad
- Controlling multiple devices on i2c
- Conversion to TX interrupts
- Convert Kelvin to Fahrenheit
- Cordic functions
- coridium_pcb file
- corrupt ini files
- corrupted file - time killer
- CRC checker for OneWire
- crimson editor version
- Crystals
- custom ARMweb
- D/A converter
- DAC access
- DAC output
- DAC outputs
- DAC recommendations
- DAQFactory very slow and dropping data
- Darken Ship - via ARMstamp
- Darlingtons
- Data logging with Atmel Flash
- data science
- Datalogger IO Issue
- datalogger quad-spifi
- Datalogger Resources
- Datalogger RTC
- DataLogger-IO-8.37-Spreadsheet
- Daughter cards
- debug display
- Debugging aids
- Debugging your DIY serial interface
- debugin modification
- delays with loops
- DEMO mode - can you turn on Thumb instructions
- detect ARMmite presence
- DHT11 Humidity & Temperature Sensor
- DICE-R-deluxe
- Difference between UART and USART
- Digital Bandpass Filter
- DINkit Ethernet exit security mode
- DINkit interfaces
- DINkit memory allocation
- Diode D3 Blown?
- Direct download from a PC
- DIRS similar to PBASIC
- displaying analog data
- DIY WiFi Programmable Thermostat
- Documentation, broken link
- download a BASIC object file
- Drivers Win7 for LPC11U37 "kickstarter version"
- Driving an LCD
- driving high voltage LEDs
- DS18B20 one wire sensor
- Dual use AD pins
- Dual use AD pins
- DXF viewer
- early SuperPROs and RTC
- EasyWeb expanded
- Eclipse support
- Editors for BASIC
- EINT2 interrupt hangs
- Encoders
- Engine controls
- Engine management system
- Error CSample
- Error on "Jump Around" Statements
- Event counters
- Exception Processing
- Expanded interrupt support
- expanded memory
- expanding the C library
- Exponentiation
- expression evaluation
- external ADs
- Fibonacci benchmark
- file name limitations
- FIQ interrupts (2103)
- First character in a string
- First Run Only Trigger?
- Fixing a blown SuperPRO
- Flash writes
- Floating point performance
- floating point software
- Floating point type conversions
- Floating Point use on ARMmite
- forced reboot of SuperPro
- Forth
- Forum is back on line
- Fourier Transforms
- FreeRTOS
- Frequency multiplier
- Frequency output
- FTDI Chip Wake Windows Computer
- FTDI Vdrive
- Fuel monitor
- Function Naming
- FYI -FWIW - trigraph error
- garage door opener
- General timing
- generating short pulses
- GET or POST from ARMweb
- GET or POST to web server using WiFly Shield in BASIC
- Getting data into a file
- Getting data into Excel
- Getting data into Excel
- Getting Started
- GPS demo code
- GPS NMEA parser
- Hardware failure
- Hardware interface
- Hardware Interface questions
- HC-SR04 driver and tester
- Help getting started - my project goals
- HEX() printing
- High Current Drivers
- HMC5843
- HMC6352
- how to use max7219 (led-metrix)?
- HWPWM pins
- HWPWM resolution
- HWPWM with different cycle times
- HWPWM with higher resolution
- Hyperterm
- I2C addressing
- I2C bitbanging in C
- i2c clock stretching
- i2c devices
- I2C hardware on SuperPRO and PROplus
- I2C monitor
- i2c on PRO
- i2c pullups
- i2c slave
- I2C slave
- I2C speeds
- IAP calls in BASIC
- IEEE 754 floating point library for BASIC
- incomplete error message ?
- inline assembly code
- Interrupt Example Compile Error
- interrupt on port pins
- INTERRUPT(X) works oddly
- interrupts
- Interrupts and Thumb vs ARM code
- interrupts in BASIC
- interrupts in C
- Interrupts using the SuperPro with Basic Tools
- interrupts with UARTs
- inverse SIN
- IO expanders
- IO expansion
- IO operation
- IO pin response times
- IO pin state
- IO source/sink specs
- IO speeds
- IO speeds
- IP cacheing for UDP
- Is there a Digital Signal Processing option.
- ISR Fault
- javax comm package
- JTAG/SW support
- Just got a Coridium PROStart board and some questions
- K type thermocouple and MAX6675
- Kalman filters
- Keypads
- Labview serial link
- large serial memories
- Launching the Editor
- LCD interfacing
- LCD interfacing
- LCD JHD19264A interface
- LCD-09351 interface
- LED drive
- LED selector
- license fees
- Linux
- Linux 2018
- Linux BASICtools - questions
- linux support
- load C jumper
- LOG files
- log function in C
- Logical vs bitwise NOT
- LogicScope
- Logo Desiging
- long distance relay
- looking for an ARM7 board
- Looking for feedback on TIMER changes
- Loss of communication
- Lost communication
- Low power modes
- lpc 812 firmware version
- LPC1114 Kernel 8.35d
- LPC1114 Low Power Experimenting
- LPC11u37 and HWPWM
- LPC1751/LPC2103 Individual Chips for Sale
- lpc1768 mbed web
- LPC17xx interrupts
- LPC2106 BASIC firmware goes public
- LPC54102 and LPC4078 boards
- lpc54102 RAM usage
- lpc54102 support file
- LPC800-DIP
- LPC800-DIP-8051
- lpc812 - dropped character
- LPC812 - HVAC controller - eval chip
- LPC812 - on board power availability
- LPC812 (Free) Evaluation Board Documents
- lpc812 ACMP routines
- LPC812 BASIC - PWM Error
- LPC812 BASIC breakout - CPU Define
- LPC812 Code help
- LPC812 eval pinout FYI
- LPC812 status
- LPC824 - ESP8266
- LSM303 3 axis accelerometer and magnetometer demo
- Mac OS C support
- Macro/Literal Expressions
- main in C
- maintaining variables through a power cycle
- MakeIt C Error "No Serial devices in the Registry"
- MakeItC - Csample.c
- MakeItC - missing crt0.S
- MakeItC - NOOB eval - LPC8xx
- MakeItC - time delays
- MakeItC bare-metal Recovery
- MakeItC Compiled Help.
- MakeItC For Old ARMmite
- MakeItC missing CPU??
- MakeItC update
- MakeItC updates
- MakeitC won't write to PROstart
- MakeItC- future request
- Maker Faire
- making connections to an ARMmite
- making sounds
- MAX6675
- mbed 1768
- mbed ArchPro lpc1768
- mbed.1768 - ArchPro
- MCP23017 interface
- Measure Pulse Width
- measuring frequency
- measuring pulse widths
- measuring voltages greater than 3.3V
- Mechanical specs
- memory expansion
- Memory map for C
- micro SD card
- Micro-Mega FPU
- Microsecond timing
- Microsecond WAIT
- microsecond WAIT
- MID function in <VBSTRING>
- MikroElectronika TextToSpeech Click
- Minimum floating point value
- Minimum tools for DIY electronics
- Misc Errors
- mods for DINkit
- More breadboard space
- Motor control and timers
- Motor drive
- MRT (Multi-Rate Timer) [54102 & 824]
- Multi core BASIC being tested
- Multi-tasking
- multi-threading
- multiple include guards
- multiple SPI
- Music generation
- Need free sector for data logging
- Negative constant error
- New (LCP812)
- New pricing for PROplus
- new website
- Newline warning
- No bounds check
- non standard devices
- NPP Editor User Defined Language
- NXP Libraries and C/C++ Compiler's Packed Option
- Oberon language support
- Octal, byte array, byref string
- OEM driver use for on-chip peripherals
- off-line programming work
- Old code does not work with 2016 version of BasicTools
- ON TIMER interrupt
- One Wire
- One wire CRC
- Open collector microcontroller output SEEK HELP!
- open drain outputs
- Oscilloscope
- Other CPUs
- Other text editors
- OUT() in ARMbasic [9.37m]
- Outputing 16 Digitals to TLV5616
- Oxygen partial pressure using LuminOx sensor
- P0.29 vs P1.29
- P17 & P18
- Parallax LCD interface
- Parallax Serial LCD
- parallel inputs
- Parallel IOs
- parallel output
- Paramarray redux
- parity in bit banged serial
- PC control of ARM controlled current sources
- PC control of IO pins
- Period Of A Sinewave?
- Permanently installing a USB dongle
- PICaxe programming cable
- pin configuration on SuperPRO
- Ping sensor
- PINSEL settings
- pointer calls in BASIC
- Pong Demo
- Pong on an Alphanumeric Display
- porting BASIC between CPUs
- Ports beyond port 0
- Ports beyond port 0 in C
- possible auto widget
- post variables to Javascript
- power connectors
- power down states
- Power on behavior
- power supplies
- Power-On Initialize
- Powering up with debug dongle still connected
- preliminary MAC OSx support
- Pressure and Temp sensor with BMP085
- PRINT in interrrupt
- printf
- Printf Formatting Bug
- printf is spitting out random decimal points
- Printf with Long Integers
- Problem in BASCtools 5.16?
- Problem in power supply or amp?
- Process automation instruments
- Program Memory ARMWeb
- Program Rolling Table in C
- Programming
- programming IO pins
- Project examples
- PROplus power requirements
- PROstart - MakeitC printf problem
- PROStart example for HD44780 LCD
- PROStart only appears as com1 in BASICtools
- ProStart-arduino pinout
- PS2 keyboard emulation
- pthread
- Pullup resistors
- Pulse generation
- PWM for LPC175x
- Python serial link
- QEI and PWM Timers
- QEI Interrupt Trouble
- Quadcopter using an ARMmite
- Quadrature
- questionable error message??
- quote in forum doesn't work right
- Random numbers
- RasberryPi and ARM
- Re: preliminary Linux support
- reading a voltage with a SuperPRO
- Reading parallel IOs
- REALLY great support!
- REALLY great support!
- Recursion in BASIC
- Register access
- register or memory thru powerdown or reset
- Reliability of DS18x20 temperature sensors
- Remote Programming I/F
- reserved words
- reset
- Reset vector from BASIC
- returning an IO to a GPIO after HWPWM
- RobotBASIC
- Robotic projects
- robotics
- Robotics
- Robots using SuperPRos
- rpa
- rpa
- RS-485 or shared serial lines
- RS232 failure to communicate
- RS232 interface
- RS485
- RSIR and reset
- RTC battery life
- RTC calendar
- RTC registers
- RTC_hooks
- RTS and DTR
- Runaway BASIC program
- runaway BASIC program
- Running BASICtools.exe under linux/unix Wine (lpc812 eval board)
- Running Coridium utils/software in Windows XP on VirtualBox
- Runtime errors
- RXD last character received
- SAMD21 Hard Fault Exception Handling
- Sample interrupt code
- Sample Source for some simple sort routines, with testing
- scanf
- Schottky Diode D1
- Scope and MAIN
- SD card interface
- SD/MMC interface
- seeing source files included in ASM listing
- Sensing line voltages
- serial blocking code
- serial eeprom
- Serial Handshaking
- Serial support or Interrupts in Demo mode
- serial throughput
- Serial to ublox 6 gps
- serial used to work
- SERINtimeout in C
- Setup for MXchip EMW3165
- Shields and more
- Signage Designing
- Simple Benchmarks
- Simple event logger
- sin and cos in C
- size of variable names and compiled code size
- SizeOf built-in function?
- slot machine
- slot machine
- Smoothie 3D printer
- SO-20 version of BASICchip
- software update and getting ready for mbed
- Solar power controller
- sound files
- Sounding a bell on the PC
- Source Code Inspiration Resource
- Special purchase of LPC824 development boards from NXP
- speeding up SHIFT
- SPI byref calls
- SPI clock speed
- SPI for self clocked AD converters
- SPI integers and bytes
- SPI performance
- sprintf in simple C examples
- Spurious Interrupts
- Square root
- Stacking Arduino Shields
- Startup
- stdio.h in C
- STEP -1 error
- Stepper motor
- Stepper motor with L293D
- stop -breakpoint
- String expressions
- String Functions issues
- strings
- Strings and 0
- strings and byte arrays
- Strings and RTC questions
- Subject icon appears to scroll
- Super Pro A/D problem
- Super Pro Mounting Hardware
- SuperPro 12mhz XTAL Registers.
- SuperPRO as a component
- SuperPro CON2
- SuperPro IO Problem.
- SuperPro IO Test Program
- SuperPro P2.2 & P2.3
- SuperPRO parts assembly diagram
- SuperPRO pin description
- SuperPRO port configuration and control
- SuperPRO RTC/Ping Sensor and Custom LCD Font
- SuperPro vs Pro +
- SuperPro-IO Spreadsheet & Connector Layout
- Support for CAN Interface
- Swiss Army knife
- switching baud rates
- Switching to 115Kbaud
- syncing up the RTC time
- Syncing up to HWPWM
- SYSTICK example
- Tcl version
- TCL versions are mismatched
- TclTerm enhancements
- Teensy 3.1 (3.0) with LCD 20x4
- temperature range
- temperature range -- automotive
- terminal strip
- Terminal Strips
- ternary_operation
- text editor
- Text to speech
- thermisters
- Timer Interrupt spits out a decimal point
- Timer interrupts in BASIC
- timer ticks ARM BASIC vs BASIC stamp
- TIMER wrap around
- TIMER writing // LPC824
- Timer0 Match Interrupt
- Timer1 Question
- Timing code
- Timing decay
- timing instructions
- Timing Loop Variations
- Timing statements
- Tool for exploring timing of ARMbasic Code Constructs
- Tools & VCS
- Tooltip hints added
- Trig functions on LPC812
- TTL drive
- TXD timing issues
- UART modem control lines
- UART non-standard parameters
- UART pin choices
- UART3 on SuperPRO
- UDP packet testing
- Unable to Download setupBasic.exe
- unsigned integers
- Updating firmware
- Updating FTDI drivers
- uploading C files
- USB control line debugging
- USB dongle for both ARMweb and PRO
- USB dongles Coridium vs SparkFun
- USB HID port
- USB Host
- USB On Arduino Shield
- USB vs. UART communication
- user developed IDE for BASIC
- user file submission area
- using all serial ports
- using the 3.3V supply for other devices
- Using the ARMmite as a Daughterboard
- using the SPI peripheral
- Using UART1 in C
- VAL of a single
- variables and constants
- Variables window
- Variables window - redux
- varying HWPWM parameters
- VDRIVE and BasicChip
- Version 6 tools
- VICVectAddr In LPC17xx.h
- Video and interrupts
- Visual BASIC serial communication with ARM
- VREFP on SuperPRO or PROplus rev 7
- Vrefp on Version 7 Pro+ board
- WAIT in a MultiTasking program
- WAIT(1) does not work, WAIT(0.1) does
- Wakeup at power on
- Watchdog timer
- Watchdog timer
- web based clock
- Weblink in Help Menu
- What I'd like to see for Cortex M3
- where to find C examples
- While Loop Ends Unexpectedly.
- WiFi connections
- WiFi interfaces
- Wii Nunchuck Over I2C issues
- Win XP
- Win10 support
- Win98 non-support
- Windows 7
- Windows 8 FTDI serial drivers
- wireless LCD
- Wireless Programming
- Wireless thermometer
- Won't program after programming GPIO_INT8
- Working on porting BASIC to LPC54005
- Wow -- Floating point FPU
- WRITE to Flash in BASIC and C
- Writing to Flash
- Writing to Flash in SuperPRO, PROplus
- Xiamen LCD-09351
- Xtal on BasicBoard
- Zigbee interface and pulse counting
- .Net Micro Framework Boards running Interpreter Visual Basic
- #include files in BASICtools
- #include math.h on LPC175x
- 10 to 15 Volt Automotive Source.
- 100-pin Version of SuperPro
- 115.2 Kbaud on SuperPRO
- 12V input
- 16bit signed integers
- 2004 display
- 315 Mhz RF Receiver and Transmitter pair
- 4 Channel Timer/Counter
- 5 Volt Turn-on Time
- 54005 with mcufriend LCD - Display ID 0x7796
- 54102_Shared_Memory
- 5V inputs and outputs
- 79000 LED Controller Board
- 8255 expanders